Dental caries
Decay is a common dental disease, which affects the permanent teeth, but also the temporary teeth of children. It is important to have it treated before it reaches the tooth deeply and significantly damages it. If you suffer from one or more cavities, feel free to make an appointment in our dental clinic in Geneva. Our dentists will apply the appropriate treatment for your teeth and help you to keep them healthy.

What is a cavity?
Dental caries is favored by certain factors.
- Poor oral hygiene: The plaque that covers the tooth enamel is composed of saliva, food debris and bacteria. Germs multiply in dental plaque and produce acids that gradually destroy the enamel until they penetrate the deeper layers of the tooth.
- Diet and eating habits: an unbalanced diet rich in sugar, acids, or snacking habits increase the risk of cavities.
- Genetics: Dentin or enamel defects will make your teeth more vulnerable to bacterial aggression.
- Cariogenic bacteria, we all have a different bacterial flora, some people have it very aggressive that produces a lot of acids by metabolizing sugars.
- Tooth positioning: teeth that overlap are more difficult to clean.
Poor oral hygiene
Cariogenic bacteria
Tooth positioning
How to treat a cavity?
If a cavity is left untreated, it can develop into pulpitis, a particularly painful infection that can lead to nerve necrosis. It is therefore necessary to act and consult a dentist.
Depending on the location of the cavity, its degree of advancement and the age of the patient, the dentist may decide on a treatment, namely:
- Conservative care: in this case, the dentist removes the tissues degraded by carious disease and then fills the cavity with a biocompatible filling material, such as a dental composite, or an onlay.
- The devitalization of the tooth: when the decay has reached the dental pulp, the dentist devitalizes the tooth. This endodontic treatment involves removing the nerves and blood vessels from the tooth. The roots are filled to prevent any recurrence of bacterial infection.
- The reconstruction with a dental prosthesis: when the decay has destroyed a large part of the tooth, it can be reconstructed with an onlay or crown. In some cases, it is necessary to extract the tooth. The placement of a dental implant associated with a crown it’s often the best choice to replace a missing tooth.
Conservative care
Dental prosthesis

Cavities and baby teeth: should we worry?
Cavities affect many adults, but also children. baby teeth are also affected by this disease of bacterial origin. However, a cavity on a milk tooth should not be neglected. Indeed, cavities can be painful and bother the child. What’s more, it can affect the final dentition. It is therefore advisable to treat it and not simply wait for the tooth to fall out. Prevention is also paramount. Encouraging children to practice good oral hygiene from an early age is the best way to avoid dental problems.

Our dental clinic adheres to the SSO dental pricing.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Early signs can include sensitivity to heat, cold, sweet foods, as well as pain or a dark spot on the tooth.
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As soon as the cavity is detected, it should be treated to prevent more serious complications.
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Interdental cavities are often detected through X-rays during dental check-up visits.
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Yes, fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and can help prevent and even reverse the early stages of dental caries.
Take care of your dental health!
We are committed to combating healthcare avoidance, believing that in our current environment, every citizen should be able to maintain their health and enhance their appearance, especially their smile. Our rates are designed to be not only competitive but also, and most importantly, affordable. Nevertheless, they never compromise the quality of our service, which we strive to make impeccable.