Our Instruments for Quality Dental Scaling

In our dental clinic in Geneva, our dental hygienists use the  s EMS  “No Pain”  scaler and the AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master to ensure optimal oral hygiene for our patients.

These instruments are developed in Switzerland in the EMS Research Center after more than 100,000 hours of technical and clinical testing in collaboration with dental specialists from all over the world.

The EMS no pain scaler is an innovative technology that allows scaling while minimizing pain using ultrasound.

The AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master is a teeth and gum cleaner. It uses a mixture of air, water and powder to remove plaque, tartar and superficial stains. AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master is EMS’s latest innovation dedicated to “Guided Biofilm Therapy“: a unique solution for the prevention of periodontal and carious diseases.

Premium Scaling: Comfort & Advanced Technology

Choose a unique scaling experience with our state-of-the-art instruments. Our priority? Ensuring the utmost comfort and efficiency for our patients. Your well-being is at the heart of our practice.

Our rates
Dental Cleaning for New Patients with Two X-rays : 155.-
Dental Cleaning outside of the offer (without X-rays) : 169.-
Quick Stain Polishing : 55.-

Frequently Asked Questions

Take care of your dental health!

We are committed to combating healthcare avoidance, believing that in our current environment, every citizen should be able to maintain their health and enhance their appearance, especially their smile. Our rates are designed to be not only competitive but also, and most importantly, affordable. Nevertheless, they never compromise the quality of our service, which we strive to make impeccable.