Periodontitis: causes, symptoms, and treatments
It is one of the most common oral diseases. Periodontitis affects many adults. This bacterial infection, if not treated, can lead to loosening or even tooth loss. From the first symptoms, it is therefore necessary to consult a dentist, who can effectively treat this peridontal disease. We invite you to learn more about periodontitis, its warning signs, and possible treatments.

What is periodontitis?
There are usually two forms of periodontitis
- Chronic periodontitis: this is the most common form. It progresses slowly or moderately and is most often characterized by the formation of gum pockets and retraction of the gums.
- Aggressive periodontitis: it results in a rapid loss of attachment and the destruction of the alveolar bone, leading to the loss of the tooth.
- The main cause of periodontal disease is poor oral hygiene. Indeed, bacteria, along with saliva and food residues, are deposited on the surface of the teeth, creating the famous dental plaque, which, over time, turns into tartar.
There are other factors:
- Smoking
- Certain pathologies such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases
- Taking certain medications or drugs
- A hormonal change, especially at the time of pregnancy or menopause
- Stress
- Heredity
Chronic periodontitis
Aggressive periodontitis
Poor oral hygiene
Hormonal change
Symptoms of periodontitis
Several signs can put you on alert. The symptoms of periodontitis are recognizable at the gum level. The gum can be swollen. It can easily bleed, it has a dark or red color and is painful, especially when chewing or brushing your teeth. Other symptoms may also indicate that periodontitis is already at an advanced stage. At the first warning signs of periodontal disease, contact your dentist.
Red color

Treatment of periodontitis: how to treat the disease
The treatment of periodontitis is based above all on a change in habits regarding oral hygiene. In addition, to prevent the development of the disease, the intervention of a dentist is essential. The nature of the treatment depends on the degree of progression of the disease and the patient health. A simple cleaning of the infected tissue is sufficient in most cases. Sometimes periodontal surgery is needed to rebuild tissue destroyed by periodontitis.
Periodontal assessment
First, the dentist identifies the causes of the periodontitis. It analyzes the different symptoms of the disease and looks for possible aggravating factors (smoking, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pregnancy …). The specialist also realizes a check-up of the mouth, to detect and treat cavities and other dental problems. Then, it conducts a periodontal probing, which allows it to find and measure the depth of the pockets in which the bacteria responsible for periodontitis grow. Radiological exams are also useful to measure the progress of the disease and its impact on the supporting tissues of the tooth, including the jawbone.
Oral hygiene, the first step in treatment
Treatment of periodontitis begins with good oral hygiene. The dentist gives advice so that tooth brushing is done effectively and with the right equipment: toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, brushes … Indeed, the success of the treatment in the long term depends largely on a change in the patient’s habits. It is also advisable to reduce certain aggravating factors such as smoking. An antiseptic mouthwash may also be prescribed to limit the number of bacteria present in the mouth.
Deep cleaning of infected tissue
To treat periodontitis, the dentist makes sure to perfectly sanitize the areas concerned. Cleaning teeth, gums and tooth roots aims to dislodge tartar and plaque responsible for the disease. To do this, the specialist proceeds:
- Scaling of the teeth: it removes plaque and tartar present on the teeth. Tooth polishing completes the scaling.
- Root planing: using manual instruments and ultrasound, under local anesthesia, the dentist cleans the tartar present under the gum, on the roots of the teeth. The gum will then be able to heal properly. Depending on the extent of periodontitis, one or more sessions are necessary.
Periodontal surgery
When root planing is not enough to clean the infected tissues or the damage to the support structures of the tooth is too great, periodontal surgery is necessary.
The type of surgery treatment is chosen depending of importance of the lesion:
- A periodontal flap surgery is done to access otherwise inaccessible areas and thoroughly clean them.
- Bone graft can be used to rebuild the lost bone.
- Gum graft to cover root recessions, or to increase the gum volume.
They key of the success of the periodontal treatment is the adoption of a good oral hygiene, it’s also recommended to see the hygienist or the dentist every 3 to 6 months.

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Frequently Asked Questions
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Modern techniques and anesthesia make these treatments much less uncomfortable. Most patients report little to no pain during and after the procedure.
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Antibiotics can be a part of the treatment, but they do not replace the professional cleaning needed to remove plaque and tartar.
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Yes, studies have linked periodontal diseases to other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and other inflammatory conditions.
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